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Featured Titles from Ingalls Publishing Group Books

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2011 Catalog

"When a New York Times Best-selling author teams up with a NASCAR driver to write a novel, it’s a literary match made in heaven."

Faster Pastor
by Sharyn McCrumb & Adam Edwards

Camber Berkley, a young stock car driver, wrecks his car on a winding mountain road, landing right in the midst of the funeral of an elderly NASCAR fan. As punishment for his spectacular car wreck, the local authorities of the small Tennessee town of Judas Grove give him a choice: serve three months in jail for reckless driving, or spend two weeks teaching the local ministers to drive stock cars, so that they can compete in race whose prize is the $2 million legacy left by that deceased NASCAR fan.

The ministers are a diverse group -- a priest just over from Ireland, who is complete stranger to auto racing; the local Pentecostal  (snake handling) minister who raced stock cars in his adolescence; the New Age woman who wants the money to fund an institute to study angels; the elderly Latin-quoting Lutheran; the cinematic Episcopalian… 


Will the best minister win? Heaven only knows.

Visit Sharyn McCrumb's main website

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The Secret of the Bradford House

by Albert A Bell, Jr

What is that light in the attic window of the spooky old Bradford House? Could it be a ghost? Hidden stairways and secrets from World War I draw Steve and Kendra into investigating the mysteries of this small town in Kentucky’s Land Between the Lakes.

What they find is beyond any of their imaginings.

The first book in the series won both the:
*Evelyn Thurman Young Readers Award &
*Mom's Choice Awards Silver Medal

The books below are in our featured YA collection. Educators receive a 25% discount on all IPG books purchased, not just these.

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Dresses, Dreams and Beadwood Leaves

by Julia Taylor Ebel

illustrations by the author and end notes on herb gathering

A girl’s journey to mold her own self esteem within the cultural history of the North Carolina mountains

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A Novel of an American Legend
by Cameron Judd
Daniel Boone's life from the 1750s in North Carolina to the founding of Boonesboro, KY.
* Independent Publishers Awards Honor Book
*Wilma Dykeman Award for Regional Fiction
*Clark Cox Fiction Award from the NC Society of Historians

For more information, click the cover images

             The Eagle and The Bull
Celtic adventure in ancient Rome
by Judith Geary
* Endorsed as an "Excellent Resource" by SREB and NCDPI
* ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards - finalist as Historical Fiction and YA Historical Fiction
* Book of the Year for YA Fiction from High Country Writers 

Download a FREE Teacher's Guide for Getorix

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by Marian Coe
Illustrations by Paul Zipperlin
Adventure on horseback, from Abingdon, Virginia to Asheville, North Carolina in the 1880s. Based on writings of the time by Charles Dudley Warner.
* Clark Cox Award for Fiction from the NC Society of Historians
* Bronze Medal for Historical Fiction from the Independent Publishers Assn.

Download a FREE Teacher's Guide for OUDT

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Secret of the Lonely Grave
by Albert A. Bell, Jr
Young people discover secrets about the history of the Underground Railroad and about their town.
*Evelyn Thurman Young Readers Award
*Mom's Choice Awards Silver Medal

Download a FREE Teacher's Guide for Secret.

For more information click the cover images

Windmaster's Bane
by Tom Deitz
Book One in the celebrated series: The Adventures of David Sullivan
*Georgia Author of the Year Award for Young Adult Fiction

Download a FREE Teacher's Guide for Windmaster's Bane

Visit the IPG main site: www.ingallspublishinggroup.com