InfoTech is the materials selection guide published by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and
distributed to school media specialists throughout the state.
EvaluTech is an on-line publication of the Southern Regional Education Board's Educational Technology Cooperative
and the Educational Resources Evaluation Services of the NCDPI, in collaboration with the departments of education of the
other SREB states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
InfoTech Review
Getorix: The Eagle and the Bull
Geary, Judith. Getorix: The Eagle and the Bull. 278 p. $15.95 pap. Claystone/Ingalls, 2008 ISBN 978-1-932158-73-1
[6-12, FIC] Set in ancient Rome, this novel focuses on Getorix, a young captive Celt, who unexpectedly escapes the execution
met by his father Claodicos. Lucius, the young Roman who asks to spare Getorix, thinks he is showing him mercy by bringing
him home to live as a slave. Far from grateful, Getorix refuses to serve Lucius and continues to think of ways that he can
die honorably and join his father in the Otherworld. While he is kept under lock and key for his defiant behavior, he develops
a friendship with Keltus, a trusted slave in the house of Lutatius Catulus, and eventually with the young Lucius as well.
Along with Getorix, readers discover some of the details of Roman Life in 101 BCE. The ingenuity of the water supply and sewer
systems and the magnificence of the buildings contrast with the practices of animal sacrifice and dining on dormice. The different
backgrounds and cultures of the two main characters offer interesting discussions on point-of-view. This novel by a North
Carolina writer would make an excellent interdisciplinary unit for middle school. AUTHOR’S NOTES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, SELECTED
Keywords: ancient civilizations, historical fiction, North Carolina, North Carolina authors, Rome
Subject Areas: English Language Arts, Fiction, Social Studies
InfoTech Review
Getorix’s World
Horton, Sandra K. and Judith Geary. Getorix’s World. 98 p. $25. Claystone/Ingalls, 2008. ISBN 978-1-932158-28-1
[PROF, SS] This curriculum is designed to accompany Getorix: The Eagle and the Bull to facilitate the novel’s study
for a class or literature circle. Part one contains synopses and study questions, both short answer and discussion, as well
as activities using quotations and character monologues. Section two focuses more on the culture of Rome during that era of
history and has activities related to dress, diet, and education. There is also a timeline and ideas for interdisciplinary
study. This curriculum is also available in digital format on a CD-ROM, which includes a PowerPoint presentation introducing
the novel and featuring color photographs of Roman ruins. This curriculum is an excellent resource for the social studies
or English language arts class and is free with the order of a class set of 25 books (includes 1 hardback copy of the book).
Keywords: ancient civilizations, historical fiction, North Carolina, North Carolina authors, novel guides, Rome
Subject Areas: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Professional, Science, Social Studies